Fall Fair is finally here!!!!!!!!!
Thats right penguins the fall fair is finally here! There are tons of cool new games and prizes.Check it out!!!!
Fall Fair games
- memory game (beach)
- Grab and Spin (dock)
- ring the bell (dock)
- puffle paddle (snow Forts)
- Feed a puffel (Cove)
- puffel Shuffle ( forest)
All the games are a blast, but i would have to say that Puffle paddle is my favorite and i gives fast tickest too!
Here are the pics:
memory game
grab and spin
Ring tht bell Puffel paddlefeed a puffel
Puffel shuffle The Prize Booth is Located in the Forest
Here are the prizes
- Feathered tira 1200 tickets
- lollypop candy 1000 tickets
- giant green sunglasses 1000 thickets
- yellow balloon pin 100 tickets
After you bought all the prizes you can go and get the lollypop pin from the light house!!!
Here is the arcade circle * Members Only* non-members dont feel like you are missimg out the arcade isn't all that
There are two games in the arcade circle and they are ...
- Puffel Soaker
- Balloon pop
Here are the Pics...
soak a puffel
balloon pop
The is also a member prize booth....
The prizes are ....
- Teddy Bear 2000 tickets
- Candy Apple 800 tickets
- Giant yellow Sunglasses 1000 ticket
The decorations arwe awsome this year my favorite room is the iceberg, wats yours? Thats all for now enjoy the Fall Fair!!! ;-)
Hey I added you to my blogroll so add me now k? :)
Amanda Dlny
okie doke
heyyyyyy corey
whatss upppp
get on cp
see ya at school mondayyy
aly1031?? or maybe smile1006? umm post another comment with what ur co name is.
yo corey, if you add me as an author, I will post 4 ya. Respond asap, and update your blog, even if it means taking pics from mine ROFL.
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