Saturday, December 27, 2008

Straw000's Party was a Blast!!!!

Hiya pengs as many of you guys know Straw000 had his one year anniveriary party today on cp.( for those who dont know, click the link to go to Straw000's cp site )Both Corey hi and I where there and it was awesome.Hrer are the Party pics...
This is Strwa000's player card

This is a pic where the most pengs where crowding Straw
Note: Yes for those of you who noticed i did spell penguins wrong srry for the typo,but everyone makes mistakes
Well that is for now
See you guyz at the PARTY!!!!!
Waddle on,
-Superchick 7 Club Penguin Soup VP

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Thx for posting about my party!! It was sure a blast : )