Saturday, September 20, 2008

new furniture catolog and fall fair!!

Anyone here seen the new catolog yet? well i have and it's pretty coolio. so here are the cheats!

regular chalkboard
1. got to igloo
2.go to catolog
3.go to second page on the chalk board
5.and you have the regular chalkboard

Next up is the stainless steel fridge
1. go to the page with the pizza oven on the pizza oven twice
3.there you have your stainless steel fridge

do you want a guitar stand?
1. go to the page with the musical notes on the green musical note
3.walla you have a guitar stand

last but not least the blender
1.go to the page with the umbrella table on the umbrella table
3. and in three easy steps you have the blender

Fall fair in one week are you excited??? I KNOW I AM!!will you enter the decorating contest? or better yet,will you win???
until than,waddle on
corey hi 59 clubpenguinsoup prez