Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sneky peaky stuff!

Today billybob posted a snek peak for the new catolog.he said that there will be a igloo decorating contest for 25,00 coins!thats ALOT!!here check it out!Looks like its movieish! cool !!!!!!
waddle on,
corey hi 59 clubpenguinsoup prez!


Orngyee said...

I know you added me to your blogroll, but im afraid i cant add you to mine because you don't have a wordpress blog. :cry: sorry

Anonymous said...

ya that is sorta sad :(

Fred360 said...

orangyee, all you have to do is click on "link" on wordpress, then type in club penguin soups URL, and name it Club Penguin Soup, I did that with my friend Puffleball45's blog, and he uses blogger, and I use wordpress, I hope that helps.
